Community - Spire City GhostHounds



Keys Care

“Keys Care” has been the name given to the recipients of funds from the proceeds of The Joel A. Stephens Memorial Fund of The Community Foundation of Frederick County. Beginning with the grant recipients in 2010 the term “Keys Care” will change to “Frederick Keys Care” to denote our intention of broadening the base of our recipients. The fund was established to honor the courage and exemplary character of former Baltimore Orioles minor league player Joel Stephens who died in 1998 at the age of 22.

The Joel A. Stephens Memorial Fund of The Community Foundation of Frederick was established in 1999 and is part of The Community Foundation’s Universal Grant Application funding program that takes place in the fall of each year. Nonprofit organizations that provide direct services to our Frederick County youth and young adults may apply on behalf of their programs. Criteria for grant applicants include: capital expenditures, seed money, or a one-time purchase or service.

To be eligible for consideration for a grant in the Frederick Keys Care/Joel A. Stephens Fund, applicants must certify that they are one of the following:

  • An already existing nonprofit, 501©(3) organization.
  • An existing government agency applying for an extraordinary project that is not funded by tax revenue.
  • A newly formed group temporarily addressing a need or creating an organization to answer an emerging community need.
  • A religious organization requesting funding for non-sectarian activities.
  • A long standing civic group that is not a 501©(3) organization requesting funding for a community cause.

Applications are notified of the Community Foundation’s grants-making decision by December 31. Additional information regarding The Community Foundation’s grant decisions are available by contacting The Community Foundation of Frederick County at

An Advisory Committee appointed by The Community Foundation reviews the grant applications and makes suggestions to the Foundation regarding distributions from the Fund. The Advisory Committee consists of representatives from the Frederick Keys, the Foundation, and other interested parties, as determined by the Foundation. Members of the organization(s) who receive funding through “Frederick Keys Care” are invited to attend the luncheon following the annual Frederick Keys Charity Golf Classic to be recognized as the current Fund recipients and again on the field at Nymeo Field at Harry Grove Stadium prior to a Frederick Keys game as well as other activities that may seem appropriate.